It seems to me that the Councillors who voted for fluoridation, did so based on a questionable Survey taken on 300 people, a questionable presentation given by NSW Health and had already made up their mind before the Public Meeting. A Public Meeting that was very poorly advertised. There has been no real effort to gain the opinion of the residents of the Lithgow Council Area.

The amendment moved by Cr. Martin Ticehurst that the decision be deferred until a Poll be conducted at the 2008 Council Elections failed to get a seconder. This shows that NO Councillors except Cr. Martin Ticehurst were willing to give the Lithgow residents a democratic say for or against the Fluoridation of Lithgow water. Remember this at the 2008 Council Elections.

There was not one question asked about any scientific research undertaken either in Australia or Internationally about the adverse affects of fluoride on the body besides the teeth. Obviously no concern for anyone in the community who is already allergic to fluoride or may suffer side affects.

The people of Lithgow have not been told exactly what chemical cocktail is going to be added to the drinking water or where it is being sourced from. The people of Lithgow have not been told that the chemical most widely used is HydroFluorosilicic Acid, which is industrial toxic waste.

Interestingly on 19/11/2007, it has been reported that TWENTY-ONE south-west doctors have signed an anti-fluoride petition arguing it is ``imprudent'' to add the chemical to public water supplies. The doctors have declared their collective concerns about the ``efficacy and safety'' of water fluoridation.

An email reporting this was sent to the Councillors and apparently ignored.